Wellness Exams & Vaccines

Wellness Exams & Vaccines

Please call us today at 509-758-5022 to book your wellness and vaccine appointment! We look forward to helping create a plan to keep your pet happy and healthy.

Yearly wellness exams are the best way to make sure your pet is healthy. If you schedule annual health exams your veterinarian will be more likely to help keep your pet healthy and prevent major illnesses. During the exam, the veterinary will do a full physical, talk about the diet and lifestyle of your pet, and recommend any tests or changes that can help your pet. These exams are a part of preventative medicine, if we can catch and treat most disease processes earlier it will give us a better chance of helping your pet live a healthier, longer life.

Vaccines protect your pet from certain diseases and viruses such as Parvo, Distemper, Leukemia, and Rabies. It is much easier and cheaper to prevent your dog or cat from catching these diseases than to try and treat them if they get infected. Many of these diseases are often fatal and prevention is the only way to protect your pet.

For puppies and kittens, it is crucial they receive vaccines every 3 weeks from 8 weeks of age to 4 months of age. If they do not receive these vaccines, they are susceptible to contracting life threatening diseases such as Parvo virus and Distemper virus. After their puppy and kitten series, your pets will need to receive vaccines every 1-3 years depending on which vaccine they are due for. This is a crucial time for your annual wellness exam with your veterinarian, who will help create a plan with you to keep your pet healthy.