Spaying & Neutering
Spaying & Neutering
If you have specific questions about spaying and neutering, we would love to discuss all your options and help make the best decision for both you and your pet. Call 509-758-5022.
Spaying and neutering are routine procedures that can help prevent your pet from developing many medical and behavioral issues. In dogs, spaying and neutering starts as early as 6 months of age. In cats, spaying and neutering can be done as early as 4-5 months of age.
Reasons to Spay and Neuter:
- Spaying is crucial in the prevention, as well as the treatment, of mammary cancer
- Spaying can prevent a life-threatening infection of the uterus called a pyometra
- Spaying and neutering can help with hormone-related behavioral issues such as aggression, roaming, and urine marking
- Spaying and neutering are good for the community and decrease the number of stray animals
- Neutering prevents enlargement of the prostate gland, which can cause pain and be a source of infection
- Neutering prevents certain types of hernias and tumors of the testes and anus
- Neutering decreases excessive preputial discharge