Laser Therapy, Chiropractic, Acupuncture
Laser Therapy, Chiropractic, Acupuncture
Injuries, arthritis and aging happen, we’re here to help. Call 509-758-5022 today to book an appointment and help your pet get on the road to recovery faster.
Riverview has our own experienced Veterinary Chiropractor on staff offering:
Cold Laser Therapy – An FDA approved painless modality used for over 30 years. It is used to decrease inflammation and pain and increase circulation to injured tissues to accelerate healing. We use medical grade lasers for both chronic pain as well as acute conditions, such as post-operative pain and swelling and back injuries.
Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation and Gentle Chiropractic Care – This service is used to restore healthy joint function. Senior pets especially enjoy this non-invasive protocol when combined with the cold laser therapy.
Muscular rebalancing and exercise rehabilitation – Pets often stop using a limb if it’s injured or hurt causing muscle loss. Our exercise and rehabilitation program help your pet regain muscle safely and gets them on the path to healing.
For more information about pain and the treatment of pain in your pet, please call us at Riverview Animal Clinic (509-758-5022).